


Just wanted to let you know that my dog Bailey is doing well on your supplement! He is turning 9 this month and was able to make it to the beach for the first time! He loved the ocean!
Although any activity out of his norm still causes stiffness, he is no longer yelping from pain and spasms in the days following. His energy is like he had in his younger days which makes my heart happy. I've had a lot of friends comment on the difference this product is making in him!!
His yearly blood work came back good which allowed me to breathe a sigh of relief.

Thank you,

Sara G
Chambersberg, PA

I give this product to our standard poodle Fletcher who was diagnosed with leukemia. He had chemotherapy and has been cancer free for over five years. He takes Resvantage every day (despite the fact I live in New Zealand!) as it is the only product that helps to support his immune system and maintains his cancer free status. I am a huge believer in it being a key to his ongoing health and can't recommend it enough.

New Zealand

WOW. Took my boy Tigger off baby aspirin, put him on the Resvantage and the difference is incredible. No more limping around, no more whining or needing help getting up and down from the couch. I've got a new puppy and he is one happy camper! Thank you! I'm going to get on it myself now....please send me the link. I need....2 a day. I'll see how I feel and then put my husband on it.

Grace B
Corona del Mar, CA

I want to say what a great product Resvantage is. My 11 year old pug dog Sophia is really perky brighter and has lost weight. It has given her a second spring. Thank you

Elisha D
Amsterdam, Netherlands

This is such a great product. My dog, Hope, began taking it after being diagnosed with a mast cell tumor and has been doing great... acting like a puppy again and she will be 8 in April. Please process my order ASAP; she took her last one yesterday and I don't want her to miss too many of them.

Thanks and keep up the great work!

Amanda W
Franklin Springs, GA

Your product was amazing for my 15 1/2 year old Siberian. I even recommended it to my Vet.


Patti R
Gahanna, Ohio

My dog Logan had a spinal tap Saturday and I am waiting for the results. Going to see if 8 months of drugs got rid of the disease in his brain. They are talking about publishing an article on him and I will ensure that Resvantage Canine is mentioned. They are still astonished that of the 15 dogs with this rare disease; Logan's was the worst case - yet he has responded very well to the treatment when most dogs did not make it.

They believe it has to do with bolstering his immune system with the Resvantage supplement while protecting him from the side effects from the drug.

David A
Malibu, CA

Our 16 year old Min Pin has been one of the healthiest dogs I've seen... and one day, it seemed as if her health was sliding extremely fast. After taking her to the vet to find out her condition could be caused by a neurological problem; a tumor; heart disease; cancer; kidney or liver failure, we thought about making her life as comfortable as possible. She was acting "drunk," and was barely eating anything. Unresponsive. I began researching her symptoms and came across Resvantage.

We took a chance and it was the best decision we could have made! Just after 2 days her appetite increased tremendously, she was less wobbly, responding better. By day 3 she could jump up on the couch again and could go up/down a few stairs! By the end of day 3, she was wagging her "nub" tail again. I don't expect a miracle, but things have DRASTICALLY turned around in a few short days. This product can be so beneficial to prevent noted illnesses as well as helping animals who are getting older. We're starting our 7yr old shephard/lab on the product as well as our 3yr old chihuahua mix. This product is the real thing!

By B.
Portland, OR

Herc is doing beautifully on Resvantage Canine. I am slowly reducing his dependence on the herbal formulas for his diabetes which are very expensive and hard to get. We're seeing an overall "perkiness" and we haven't had an elevated urine test strip since we started him on Resvantage. He’s holding a steady 70 -70.5 lbs and up to walking 8/10 of a mile in the morning, 2/10 mid-day and ½ mile at night. I can honestly I am seeing a visible positive response to Resvantage Canine.

Nadia C.
Camp Verde, AZ

Resvantage Canine has given my dog and I a new leash on life!! Oonagh is almost 11 years old and weighs 68 pounds. She was starting to show signs of age in her ability to get around, with hip displaysia, her stamina to play with other dogs, and take walks, now she is walking at least 3 miles a day and she is able to play non stop with her friends who are 2 years old, and is very content. What has impressed me most about the product is her sustained energy, vitality, and awareness. Resvantage Canine has given me my best friend and companion more time to live and enjoy life. Thank You!!!!

Moira L.
Chatsworth, CA

My Lab 'Fierce', at 12 years old was anything but. He was lethargic and sleeping more than normal. Our vet attributed the symptoms to arthritis and possibly brain aging and prescribed Resvantage Canine. Within a few days his energy level had improved and he was out surveying the perimeter of our property again just like old times and we have an acre. This is such a relief to me. Thank you, Resvantage Canine.

S. Winston
Alpharetta, GA

Sage was diagnosed with two types of cancer. One is a bronchial alveolar carcinoma and the other is a thymoma. Both cancers account for about 3% of all canine cancers found in dogs at the animal Cancer Center at CSU. We have been in a fight for her life and even though this disease will probably win in the end, with the help of your Resvantage Canine supplement, we have been able to extend her life and make her more comfortable and energetic.

She has been on Resvantage for several months now and I am confident that it has helped to fight off the cancer and even at 13 years old, Sage is often mistaken for a 5 or 6 year old dog. She is still chasing after her coveted Frisbee, playing search games and enjoying hikes in the desert. As long as she is enjoying life, we will continue to fight for it.
Thank you

Diane W and K-9 Sage
Hageman, NM

My Boxers, Jock and Skipper are middle aged and doing fine but the breed has had a lot of Cancer so when I heard about Resvantage Canine, I began giving it to the boys as a preventive measure. They’ve been on a good diet from day one and aren’t physically challenged so it’s very subtle, but in the few months I’ve had them on Resvantage, they have developed better muscle tone and I’ve noticed a boost in their energy level. They look and perform like we turned back the clock for them.

Andrew S.
Miami, FL

Please cancel our long standing Auto-Ship order for the Resvantage Canine supplement. Our dog passed away a few days ago and I want you to know that he lived for 4 years with one-third of a liver to 17 1/2 years old which we credit to your supplement.

Robert R.
Tulsa, OK

As the founder of one of the first pet rescue charities of its kind in the country, I have fostered and been the guardian of thousands of dogs for over 2 decades. The ones that end up staying with me have been deemed "unadoptable" by the mainstream public and come with all sorts of issues. Rooney was such an "undesirable", turned into an animal shelter to be euthanized with an unpredictable biting problem and a stubborn, picky eater. He's been with me since 2000 and has gone days where he would not eat the best of dog foods or even the most yummy of human foods. But he felt like my son and and we've always had a deep connection so I've defended him from the many people who have suggested I have him euthanized.

I've used many different supplements over the years on my dogs and have eliminated the need for most toxic medications without thinking twice. When I learned about the Resvantage for dogs, I was excited to try it on one of my dogs to see if I would be able to notice some difference from using it. Rooney was my pick, but I wasn't expecting anything significant on a short term basis. Within 2 weeks Rooney was consistently eating dog food and began barking to eat. In 9 years he never showed an enthusiasm to eat. I wasn't sure if this was just a fluke but months later, he remains to have a great appetite. The most remarkable part is that he is about 17, and also just started mounting and playing with one of the younger dogs I've been fostering...and yes, both dogs are altered!! Before this, Rooney had been sleeping much of the time. May this product have that kind of an impact on everyone- humans or animals- who take it!

Randi B.
Encino, CA

Brady was diagnosed with bone cancer in his front right leg and they recommended immediate amputation. I resisted this and did some research and found your wonderful Resvantage supplement. The cancer is now in remission and you can’t believe how relieved I am. And Brady is running around like nothing ever happened. You can’t believe how fast his legs move!

Amanda K.
Sacramento, CA

Just wanted to tell you that the Canine Resvantage that I give my 5 yr old Chihuahua, Walker, does work. It's helping his hypoglycemia better than drugs. He used to have seizures but for the past few months on Resvantage, he’s had not one seizure. I'm simply amazed how well he takes it every day. His appetite is better, he is eating all his dog food and I'm seeing improvement in his left leg more. He has a deformed left front leg that was broken when he was a puppy, long before I adopted him from a no-kill shelter...

I now feel much better knowing that Walker will be alright and I won't have to spend alot of money on seizure medications which have side effects. I am on your monthly auto-ship program and I would recommend your product to everyone who has pets.

Yours truly,
Linda G.
Salton City, CA

I just wanted to let you know our experience with our 15 year old Corgi, BeeGee. I purchased Resvantage for canines at the AKC Eukanuba show last Sunday. I gave BeeGee her first capsule that evening. She has been receiving two capsules a day and after two days we noticed a difference, but by Friday she is acting like a new dog. She is perky, more active and interested in life!
Thank you again,

Barb H.
Wildomar, CA


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